Great Leadership Starts With You


A valued colleague said something to me over 20 years ago.

It has stuck with me still today. It was about leadership -- the opportunity and the responsibility for influence.

Our passion ran deep. Our commitment to excellence was unwavering and bold.

We agreed: leadership was perhaps 'conferred' by position. But, position or not, you had to earn it through engagement.

What he said was this, "You know that leadership is 'happening' when you're able to push people with a rope."

The implication, of course, is that a rope, being completely limp, cannot 'push' anything.

Neither does real leadership.

Real leadership happens when people engage. Tweet:

It's that invisible 'something' that creates clarity and focus. It sets direction. Ensures alignment. In the end, it's about fulfillment.

Knowing what leadership is and 'being' it are often two different things! Tweet: Knowing what #leadership is & 'being' it are often two different things! @JaniceKobelsky #LeadershipStartsWithYou

This video and infographic will get you thinking. You'll explore the competencies -- the skill set -- of leadership.

You'll think about where you're at now -- what and why you'd like to improve.

Then, you'll begin to consider what it would take for you to become stronger. Better skilled. More influential and engaging.


Want to share this infographic by itself? Click here for access.


Great leadership starts with you.Tweet: Great #leadership starts with you! #Infographic by @JaniceKobelsky  

Think about these questions.

For you to get better at what matters most to you... Or, for you or your team to flourish and excel...

What do you (and/or they) need to strengthen?  

Consider why that is.

Why does it matter? What makes it essential? Is it, even? What would happen without attention to these areas?

Then, use the map and the questions in the infographic to help you figure out where to start. What skills will you further develop, re-engage, or refresh? To what end?

The time is now.


Chart your tailored, high performance path. Your future is in your hands. Tweet: Chart your tailored, high performance path. Your future is in your hands. @JaniceKobelsky #Leadership #Success


You may enjoy a more reflective experience, with added step-by-step support. Here are some different ways I offer that.


It's an in-depth walk-through of the map. Better yet, it includes a competency-focused questionnaire, to set your own high performance path. Your personalized compass. Plus, some useful frameworks to get you into action.



Join me for a more personal, video-guided experience. You'll exit empowered, focused and ready to make a difference.



They're both value-priced, mobile-friendly, short, and action-focused, to fit even the tightest budget or schedule.

In person:

Create an even more tailored experience. Consider a leadership workshop for your team and/or one-on-one coaching.


Access the products directly or email me if you'd like to explore in-person services. 


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