#because you can be

the leader

you wish you had


In this time of expanded uncertainty, and great need for resilience, wellness, focus and leadership, I remind myself that I cannot do everything, but I can do something. Creating and curating resources to inspire and empower our best.

'ANEW' Possibility for times of deep change.

Janice Kobelsky

#because - the challenge of leadership is not new...

What is new is the depth of uncertainty and the need for hopeful, yet grounded, and decisive action. Whether it's your personal leadership -- leading yourself; your interpersonal leadership -- leading others; or, situational and/or contextual leadership -- leading through change, challenge and opportunity; leaders, you're it. 

So, I'm updating this page regularly to bring you a variety of content, resources and examples for your best leadership. Here to help engage, enrich and empower you; for you, and for those who need you to be at your best.

Scroll the full page and then double back to where you'd like to dive in first. Bookmark the page so you can find it again easily and share the url with other leaders who you think would find value here, too.

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#ANEW Brief


PDF Brief, sharing an easy and effective way to arrest overwhelm. Promote focus, choice and purpose, for ourselves and others.

"Choose well and wisely..."

#because in the face of deep uncertainty and multiple possibilities, the way forward is through purpose, focus and choice.

Tap on ThinkANEW at the top of this note to access the pdf brief: "Stop Should'ng"
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#ANEW Brief


PDF Brief, sharing a simple, stepped process for navigating severe and sudden change. Find your way and lead the way through deep change.

"Reset, reground, regroup..."

#because getting stuck is easy, and not an option. Navigating through unknowingness is the work of leadership.

Tap on ThinkANEW at the top of this note to access the pdf brief: "Navigating Change"
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#ANEW Brief


PDF Brief, sharing an easy-to-use but potent framework for enriching conversations - to lead and empower yourself and others.

"Gain poise and direction..."

#because how we think, speak, act and lead matters more than ever. Finding steadiness in chaos is what leaders do.

Tap on ThinkANEW at the top of this note to access the pdf brief: "Staying 'On Purpose'"

There's more... keep scrolling

And, if you'd like to stay updated as I create and curate more content, join the #ANEW community. I'll email you to let you know of fresh updates, #because great leadership never mattered more.

NOTE: please check your email to confirm your subscription, so I can add you in. Thank you!

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#becausewellness is everybody's business


3-month system of supportive, daily Cognitive Behavioural Therapy-informed text messages.
a partnership of health services across Alberta.

"... Text4Hope."

An innovative, evidence-based text messaging service that is now open to all Albertans experiencing stress or anxiety related to COVID-19. 

Tap on ThinkANEW at the top of this note to access this free mental health support.
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#because - the difference between a bad day and a good one is up to you


11-minute animated video book summary of Caroline Webb's: HOW TO HAVE A GOOD DAY 
by Nathan Lozeron | Productivity Game

"... make it a good day."

Helping us choose and practice staying out of 'defensive mode' and getting into 'discovery mode' for better quality of life and leadership. 

Tap on ThinkANEW at the top of this note to go to the YouTube animated book summary.
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#becausenothing happens until you take action


9-minute animated video book summary of Stephen Guise's: MINI HABITS 
by Nathan Lozeron | Productivity Game

"... baby steps."

Stress can be paralyzing. Although originally written as a guide to habit-building, the principle of 'stupid small' steps is especially useful for initiating action and stress-busting!

Tap on ThinkANEW at the top of this note to go to the YouTube animated book summary.

The Best Way to Earn Trust? Stand Under Your Own Arches.

How to Listen So Others Hear

The Key to Happiness?

Finding light in dark places

As much as deep change, broad uncertainty and grief can keep us stuck, they are often the source of some of humanity's greatest examples of leadership, agility and creative action at its finest.

Check out these next stories and examples of leadership in action. Tap on the + sign in the next accordion file, for the full list.

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or add a bit of extra culture to your week

The Royal National Theatre in London is free live-streaming a suite of plays in April and May via YouTube. 

Tap here to read more or go to the first one that aired on April 2nd, 2020, here: One Man Two Guvnors

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Start with these

for inspiration and personal leadership strengthening

and these

people-first leadership favourites

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#because we're better, together

Do you believe that? It's what we hope; but it's not always true. It takes work. Mindful effort and commitment to three powerful questions:

  1. How can I help you?
  2. How can I/we create value here?
  3. How can I 'be the change'; the leader I wish I had?

I'm regularly updating this page, to bring you resources to empower you and those you lead to rise up to these challenges. If you're a leader who cares and you'd like to be notified by email of these updates and offerings, here's a final reminder to join in.