Leadership Learning Curve - a wicked & wonderful adventure!
When a leader trips or stumbles, it's not just your own toe that you stub! Worse, there's a lot more at stake than an injured digit!
One of my favourite thoughts and 'mantras' about leadership is this simple truth:
If you think about that for a moment, it reveals one of the finest aspirations we can have as leaders - to be someone who "lifts others." It acknowledges that our own success - our 'rise' - truly depends on all those we are able to help along the way.
What is sometimes overshadowed by this lofty ideal is a pretty gritty reality. That is, it takes enormous strength to be able to lift others, and, even more so, to rise and lift at the same time.
If you've ever tried it, you know what I mean.
And, if you've been lucky enough to have someone care about and 'lift' you, let's hope you've acknowledged what it took for them to do that.
It's a lot.
Most of us are somewhere in the middle. Sometimes we rise; other times we fall. Sometimes we lift others. Other times, we leave them to figure things out for themselves. Those of you who experience leadership as a calling likely do both: rise and lift.
So you know that it takes a very high degree of personal effectiveness to become such a high performance leader.
It's not easy to navigate what can often be a steep leadership learning curve. You also realize that it's a lifelong journey and work-in-progress. But, it's also quite magical; a wicked and wonderful adventure!
This post is my invitation to reflect on your leadership; to champion others and to develop your own strength to lift as you rise.
It's also a personal invitation, if you're in Calgary, AB to join us in BUS 616: Personal Effectiveness for High Performance Leaders.
I developed and deliver this business seminar as part of one of the University of Calgary Continuing Education leadership certificate programs. It's one of a suite of seminars that I offer for UCalgary ContEd.
In it, together, we explore multiple aspects and dimensions of personal effectiveness - what it takes practically - to be a high performance leader. We practice and examine the actions, attitudes, aptitudes and skills that must be applied and honed.
It's a remarkable and edifying experience to be part of a group of like-minded people who care about their leadership impact and who are striving to bring their best, together!
I hope you'll consider joining us. You can learn more and register at conted.ucalgary.ca: here.
If you're intent on rising, 'lifting' and contributing to your very best potential, you'll be coming to the right place!
I seek to create value in every encounter - energizing people, possibilities and potential.
'Your Meaningful Vision, Fulfilled.'
Janice Kobelsky Success and strategy coach and facilitator, for leadership development and wellbeing.
Want to know more? Email me for custom training. Enjoy more of my resource-rich blog. Connect with me on LinkedIn or Twitter, or follow my Facebook Page.
Can't join us? Please share this anyway. You'll be helping me and others lift as we rise.