Make a Difference -- A Tale of Two Choices


Have you ever stopped short of your potential? Ever thought your efforts could not make any difference? Here's a quote to make you think twice about that:

 “The size of your audience doesn’t matter. Keep up the good work.”  ~Paulo Arruda Tweet: “The size of your audience doesn’t matter. Keep up the good work” ~Paulo Arruda by @JaniceKobelsky #MakeADifference[click to tweet]

When I first saw it, it got me wondering. I thought of the number of times I’ve stopped myself from doing something. At least momentarily, I believed I could not make a difference. I told myself that my 'reach' would be too small and, therefore, any effect unimportant. 

You’ve likely done it too.

Sometimes, we hesitate. We convince ourselves of our own futility. We correlate importance with what's visible. When the seeming magnitude or presumed ‘size’ of impact is small, it's easy to dismiss it.

You know? You underestimate the intangible, invisible importance or meaning that your action could have. That is, if you'd just take it.

It's those times when you momentarily forget that what you do matters. Or, more to the point, that who you do it for matters. Sometimes, we forget that:

Each person, every moment, counts. Tweet:

It's a common experience. Those times when we know how to add value; when possibilities abound; and when the need beckons. Yet, instead of going ahead, you stop

“I'll just be wasting my time.” 

“Someone else is better-positioned or has more resources. Let them address it.”

"The issue is much bigger than I am; it's not my place, or problem."

These are some of the rationalizations we give ourselves to justify holding back.

But what if you went ahead, anyway? What if you took that one step? Acted? Moved forward?


Make a Difference, Anyway

“Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me...

Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.” ~ Shel Silverstein 

I’m a big believer in the power of one person to make a difference. Do you know why? Because I’ve done it.

And I know that one small gesture mattered. I learned that the time spent was the impetus for something worthwhile. I discovered that those words of encouragement moved mountains.

Do you know how I know these things? Because I’ve had people share with me – usually unexpectedly -- often years later.

Sometimes, though, I’ve persisted without any seeming consequence or progress. At least, not externally.

Instead, perhaps the biggest difference was internal.

Being open to the possibilities that lay outside your comfort zone is a gift. It's a chance for adventure, learning and experience. Challenge and growth that you never would have otherwise. 

It’s true of each of us.

It’s true of all those times when you mustered the courage and had the wisdom to make a difference. 

It’s all those times when you knew something needed to be done, and you stepped up and did it. 

It's when your sense of 'purpose' had a stronger pull than any form of defeatist thinking. When you've silenced doubt-- whether your own or that of others.

It is the epitome of personal leadership.


Stop and Starters

So it helps sometimes to have some gentle reminders: encouragement to act – anyway.

It's worthwhile to think about our actions. Along the road of difference making, there are a number of actions to ‘stop’. And, several to ‘start’, too: 

  • Those to ‘stop’ cause us pain. At worst, they defeat us. At best, they cost us self-confidence and peace of mind. They are pitfalls to avoid.
  • Those to ‘start’ help energize our potential. They are pit stops to refuel us when we begin to run out of steam.


Click to Tweet: You have important gifts to give to the world. Start now. ~@JaniceKobelsky #MakeADifference this image.


It’s a tale of two choices… Make a difference, or don’t.

Start starting.


You never know who's waiting for the difference only you can make. Tweet:

Inspired but not sure if 'you're enough'? Read related post: Not Enough? The Secret to Going Ahead Anyway 

Making a Difference is easier when we have clear vision. A strong understanding of what matters - to us and others - is fuel for action. When we're focused on what success is for us, we feel more empowered. The online program EMPOWER SUCCESS will help you gain this type of clarity and focus. 

At other times, we're not sure how to tap into potential -- our own or others'. ENERGIZE POTENTIAL is about owning (and owning up to) what it takes to activate our best. And, it's about bringing out the best in those around us. 

Let's hear your voice. What do you think? Did I miss any points in the visual? What would you add: to stop or start?  

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