The Miracle of You
"Would you mind if I cited all the muscles to you?"
It was my daughter. She was studying for an anatomy final, and needed to know all the muscles of the body. Speaking them out loud was a big help for her to retain them. How could I resist such a request?
I sat across from her. She began...
It was amazing.
There were SO MANY! She was so enthusiastic. Obviously proud, as she could recall group after muscle group.
And I don't know why exactly but I began to slip into this state of wonderment. Sheer AWE. Marvelling at the complexity and 'engineering genius' of the human body.
Not that I didn't know it already. But somehow, listening to the intricacies of each muscle group, and the ones underlying the ones underlying the ones underlying... You get the idea!
I was reminded of this favourite quote... how everything is a miracle.
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That day with my daughter, it wasn't just everyTHING being a miracle. It was everyONE. Such masterpieces...
That inspiration was rekindled recently, with this short video. It's a 2018 SuperBowl commercial for Turkish Airlines. Go figure! And, it's a wonderful reminder of the miracle of you. The miracle of each of us.
What an enriching perspective -- don't you think?
If ever you've wrestled with feeling not good enough, it's a wonderful pause for reflection -- to hone in on the miracle of to tweet
It's also great if you're in conflict with another. What a shift in perspective! Stop that downward spiral of thinking and look deeper. See their strengths. Appreciate their gifts. See in them the miracle of who they are.
It's a critical attitude for better human relations and for effective leadership, too.
I mean, when is the last time you really marvelled at the miracle of you? When did you last genuinely appreciate those around you? Those who look to you for leadership?
"You could have been anyone at all; fortunately you chose to be you." ~ Anthony C. Gruppo
Imagine what would change -- or even just be enhanced -- if that was your perspective? Such deep, genuine, wholesome appreciation? That your inner voice would whisper: "the miracle of you", to inform your senses as you interacted and engaged with others.
What confidence could you inspire?
How ready, willing and able would you and your team be to bring your A-game? Give their all? Contribute and grow their talents, in service?
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Confidence that fuels impact.
Your impact. Their impact. Your collective impact.
It's the work of leadership. And, being able to fulfill that work through the lens of 'the miracle of you' mindset helps us lead better. Let's take a closer look at how.
1. The Miracle of You -- to Encourage
Taken literally, the word encourage means to "give courage to." Nothing gets accomplished without the courage to make it happen. When we see and engage with others through the 'miracle of you' lens, it's a potent way to spark their belief in themselves -- and our belief in them, too.
Seeing others through that lens helps us be able to authentically give courage to others. To say this potent, 4-word phrase -- and mean it!
It's a powerful springboard for action. To see others in light of their strengths, gifts and talent. To not only see it, but to encourage its growth -- their growth.
Enthusiasm and inspired accountability, when things are going well.
Hope, when things aren't.
The miracle of you. It's such potent encouragement. Giving courage to...
But courage is nothing without action. Action requires fuel. And that's a 2nd responsibility of leadership: to engage and empower. To energize and fuel others' talents and gifts.
When we come from a place of thinking "the miracle of you" in our dealings with others, it's like lighting a spark for what makes them come alive.
2. The Miracle of You -- to Engage
Did you know that employee engagement rates worldwide have shown no trend towards improvement for the last 10 years or more? This, in spite of untold efforts! Ugh, that makes me want to gag.
The 2017 Gallup State of the Global Workplace report states:
"85% of employees worldwide are either not engaged or actively disengaged in their jobs."
Where's 'the miracle of you' in all that?
Nothing is going to change if we don't start to come alive. Appreciating the miracle of you is a great first step.
It's a spark with a purpose. You see none of this is about praise for its own sake. There's no ego in any of this. Instead, it's all about legacy. Legacy, as in the impact you have and what you leave behind. Like the wake of a boat. Legacy also as in the ripple effect you pay forward. The effect you have that in turns affects others, and pays itself forward beyond your line of sight.
"Employers in any society create conditions that
either develop or deplete the stock of human
capital on which that society’s future depends."
-- The State of the Global Workplace report, 2017
The miracle of you. It's your influence. So you can make a difference.
3. The Miracle of You -- to Make A Difference
Our future, and our future's future depends on us. As leaders, it's up to us to energize potential. It's not just about what you do, and your personal impact. It's about your impact's impact. click to tweet
Not just your results. The results you encourage, engage and achieve. The difference you make.
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When, as leaders, we recognize that "our fruit grows on other people's trees", the need for and value of the miracle of you lens becomes so much more apparent.
We are reminded...
"From time to time, you may stumble. You will for sure have questions and doubts about your path. But, if you're willing to listen, to be guided by that still, small voice that is the GPS within yourself -- to find out what makes you come alive -- you will be more than OK. You will be happy. You will be successful. And you will make a difference in the world." ~Oprah Winfrey
The miracle of you.
See it. Live it. Appreciate it -- in yourself and others. Lead through that lens. And watch what happens.
How may I help you live more in the miracle of you? "Your Meaningful Vision, Fulfilled." To make a difference. Empowering you to achieve your aspirations and vision for success. Energizing people, possibilities, potential.
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Bring out the very best in yourself and others. Learn to Listen.
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Be someone who not only sees, but who creates 'miracles.' Live & Lead 'On Purpose': Inspiring intro video.
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