1 Powerful Question That Will Improve Your Life


"You Only Live Once"

The saying, ‘you only live once’ is completely false. The reality is: we only die once. We live every day.

But do we... really? I mean, what is the quality, the texture and the value of that living?


Crush it: The Power of Purpose Well-Fulfilled

I had just finished delivering a workshop. It was lively. Fun. Participative.

When it ended, as happens almost always, many participants lined up to chat. They were eager for more commentary, sharing, questions and coaching. I lost myself in the joy.

Almost two hours later, I had missed lunch. I also had to rush to clear the room before the afternoon speaker arrived.

Suddenly, I felt the pressure of deep fatigue hit me. That kind of tiredness and exhaustion that follows euphoria. That moment when you feel completely emptied, heavy, and dense – all in a good way. The weight of deep satisfaction and fulfillment.

Today’s lingo would say I had ‘crushed it’. Yes, literally. I felt the crush of a purpose well fulfilled.

I looked upward and heard myself say out loud, with a touch of sass and swagger, “Well, if this was 'it'. If 'my time was up' this instant... I'd have to say... THAT was a great way to end this gig called life.”

In an instant, I felt the magnitude of what I had just uttered. Gratitude swept over me. My eyes welled up. While I'd been somewhat joking to myself, I felt my heart twinge. It's like it had broken open with grace. I whispered, silently, “Thank You.”


The Great Game

1 powerful question that will improve your life. I irreverently call it the Kick-the-Bucket game. I wish I could say that I play it all the time.

I do sometimes forget, regrettably. Often when I need it most.

But when I do play... ahh.

I rediscover the childlike wonder I used to feel as a preschooler. The joy, as I headed into the glorious daily adventures that awaited me. The freedom, as I trekked through the backyard. The boldness of that five year old who built sandbox cities in summer and ice fortresses in winter.


One Question that Changes Everything

How do you play?

It's simple.

1 powerful question that will improve your life. Pause to reflect before each new ‘adventure’, no matter how mundane, and ask,

“If I was to kick the bucket right now, is this how I want to have spent my final moment?”

If the answer is yes, GREAT! Go for it. Keep doing what you're doing. 

If the answer's NO, find a way to shift, to turn it into yes.

Things like answering email, routine chores, repetitive tasks can all take on new meaning. Heck, even laundry, dishes, and making breakfast become moments of glorious miracle making! It's like Einstein said:

Photo: "Poppies" ©Canva via https://www.canva.com/ Click to Tweet: Choose your lens on life wisely. https://janicekobelsky.mykajabi.com/blog/1-powerful-question-that-will-improve-your-life by @JaniceKobelsky #Success #Mindset #Attitude pic.twitter.com/pzHxoUjgvl 



"I will not leave this place kicking and screaming. Pleading for one more minute, one last chance, one final wrong to put right."

Realize this. We have no conscious control over how we enter this world.

And, we don't know when or how we will exit.

But, what about everything between?

Your demeanor up to and including that last imprint on your tombstone?

Attitude and choices, before the final 'expiry date'?

Ahh... That you can take full responsibility for!

It is what I impishly think of as my ‘best before’ date. Tweet: Live your 'best before date' to the fullest, says @JaniceKobelsky https://janicekobelsky.mykajabi.com/blog/1-powerful-question-that-will-improve-your-life #Attitude #Success #YOLO

Related Post: Have no regrets! 3 Awesome Ways to Make the Most of You. Start now.

Since I never know when that date will be, it causes me to seize each moment. I do so with the full knowledge that this day may be ‘it’, and I need to make it my best!

You can too! With 1 powerful question that will improve your life.

Photo: 'Moody Image of Woman Looking down' ©Unsplash via https://www.canva.com/  Click to Tweet: Make today count. Do something that matters. #Success https://janicekobelsky.mykajabi.com/blog/1-powerful-question-that-will-improve-your-life by @JaniceKobelsky pic.twitter.com/xO0YbQLwK4

Here it is. A formula for fulfillment. The simplest you'll ever find. And, possibly, the most powerful.

It starts with one question. A question to improve your life.

What if...

Simple instructions to play the Kick the Bucket game: 1 powerful question that will improve your life. 

Other Photo Credits: Banner Image: "3D Newton's Cradle in Motion" ©3Dalia via https://www.canva.com/  

It's so obvious, isn't it? Yet, we don't always do what's in front of us.

I hope the 'Kick-the-Bucket' game enriches your day. 1 powerful question that will improve your life. It's one of several frameworks in the Leader Guide: On the Shoulders of Giants -- Wisdom to Live and Lead By.

Looking for some simple, practical ways to find more time in your day? Shift your thinking? Kick stress? Thrive?

Yes? Then, this guide's for you. Quick read. Permanent results.

Want more LIFE in your life? Live and lead 'on purpose'. Are you? Do you have the clarity and focus of defining purpose? Does it imbue your every action? Most of us aren't quite there. In fact, it's estimated that only about 20% of people have clearly defined purpose. Even at senior levels of organizations! Is it any wonder that we can easily get overwhelmed or out of balance? Pulled off course and/or 'stuck' in situations not of our choice or making?

If you're ready to be the leader in your life, now's the time. Dive in. It's a focused program to challenge, empower and energize you. Simple but deep questions that will have you explore, uncover and ascertain YOUR purpose. A great way to live life to the fullest. Learn more. Enjoy the short intro video. If nothing else, it will boost your energy, right now.

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Living each moment with presence truly is a "formula for fulfillment", don't you think? If you liked this post, please share it as a gentle reminder to those you care about. Thank you!