3 Awesome Ways to Make the Most of You
It's known as a definition of hell:
“On your last day on earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become." ~ Unknown
Think about it. Our first reaction is most often to assume that the person you became is someone 'less' than who you could have become. That is hell... but does it need to be?
Could this phrase define bliss, instead?
What if you made amazing choices? And did so in spite of tough circumstances, setbacks, failures, obstacles or fear?
Could the person you 'became' be so much more -- and bigger -- than all the challenges you faced? So much better than the person you could have become, if you had succumbed to the trials and difficulties? If you hadn't made the efforts you did?
What if who you 'became' was so much wiser? What if you were more enriched because of the work you did to be your best you?
Which do you choose?
I hope it's the latter. I hope so for myself. And, I hope so for you, too.
If so, it means that we'd perhaps have left the world -- or, our corner of it, a bit better. Lighter. Wiser. That our impact and legacy would serve those who come next. Ensuring that what we leave behind and pay forward add strength and value.
That's a legacy and ripple effect worth stretching and reaching for, don't you think?
The question is, "how?" Especially when it's tough. Which, more often than not, it is.
The following are 3 awesome ways to make the most of you. They're certainly not the only ways -- but they work!
If you practice them, your 'future you' will thank you. So will those around you, and those impacted by your efforts and effect.
#1 -- of 3 Awesome Ways to Make the Most of You
DON'T take anything for granted; DO find the gifts. ![Tweet:](http://clicktotweet.com/img/tweet-graphic-4.png)
You may have seen this YouTube video before. Even if you have, it's worth the five minute watch. It's probably one of the most beautiful reminders of the simple gifts all around us.
My very favourite statement in it is this:
"Learn to respond as if this was the very first day in your life, and the very last day." ~Brother David Steindl-Rast
Respond. Don't react. When we can do that, we're in a position of creative and empowered choice.
Take a deep breath and treat yourself to this lovely, brief respite.
"A Good Day" With Brother David Steindl-Rast: https://youtu.be/3Zl9puhwiyw
I think Brother David's lasting message is this. When we live life in gratitude, we're more likely to see and to seize greater opportunity.
Live every day as a gift. Be a positive force.
As he says, "... that everyone whom you will meet on this day will be blessed by you... just by your presence."
That's a legacy to leave and a ripple effect to pay forward! It's a powerful first step of 3 awesome ways to make the most of you.
Related post: 5 'Get Rich' Practices -- Unexpected Ways to Enrich Life. Five ways to enrich your own life, and the lives of others, too. It's good leadership.
#2 -- of 3 Awesome Ways to Make the Most of You
DON'T listen to voices of doubt; DO believe in & energize your potential. ![Tweet:](http://clicktotweet.com/img/tweet-graphic-4.png)
When I was 7 years old, I was selected to sing a solo performance for our local Kiwanis festival. My Mom would not sign the permission slip. I remember her telling me that I would be too scared to stand up in public, in front of people I did not know. She meant well.
It's kind of ironic that for the better part of my life I've earned my living by working with people I don't know. And, that I am regularly standing up in public, either speaking or facilitating.
I did have to overcome huge fear.
And, I am so glad that I did.
As for singing, I never did overcome my lack of confidence. I think I would have, if I'd had the burning desire.
That's the point. As Jennifer Lopez says in the 1 minute clip below, "Nobody knows what you can do but you."
You know what matters to you. What calls you.
Do that!
Feel Lost? No Purpose? Jennifer Lopez Singer Advice To Fans: https://youtu.be/xvzPDupGw8k
You have talents that are yours to develop. Now is the time to develop them. And, you have gifts to offer that are uniquely yours. Now is the time to offer them. When you do, you start making the most of you.
It's about energizing -- creating -- your potential. If not now, when?
Related post: Breakthrough! 7 Simple Secrets to Make Big Growth Easier Get out of your own way. Breakthrough barriers that are keeping you from success.
#3 -- of 3 Awesome Ways to Make the Most of You
DON'T put it off; DO it. Start now. ![Tweet: Live 'on #purpose'. DON'T put it off; DO it. Start now. ~@JaniceKobelsky https://janicekobelsky.mykajabi.com/blog/3-awesome-ways-to-make-the-most-of-you #Vision #Success #Leadership](http://clicktotweet.com/img/tweet-graphic-4.png)
If you've ever experienced a cold sweat, you know how punishing it feels. You're dripping wet, as if you've just completed a major workout. Yet, you're also freezing cold, as the icy grip of fear twists you in its gnarly grasp.
This quote below says it all: fear builds walls. Walls keep you confined and small. They also prevent you from giving and contributing to your fullest. Most damaging is that they keep others away. That means we're also not receiving the support, help and encouragement we need.
The third of the 3 awesome ways to make the most of you is to build bridges, not walls. Do not let fear stop you.
And, remember that bridges run both ways. Step up. Be a leader. Give encouragement and appreciation to those you can help. Help them bridge their fears too.
Retweet, Reply to, or Like this tweet directly in the image.
Every day is a chance to build a bridge to a stronger, more resilient YOU. Don't let fear stop you. #JoYTrain pic.twitter.com/PTXyTo7ZRU
— Janice Kobelsky (@JaniceKobelsky) January 17, 2017
3 awesome ways to make the most of you. Make every day a "good day." Know who you are and be that. Do what matters. Live 'on purpose'. And, no matter how afraid you are, start. Take One. First. Step.
Do it now.
So that when you do 'meet' the person that you 'could have become', it's not hell. Rather, you experience a huge sense of fulfillment.
Marvel at all that you 'became'!
Are you playing from your strengths? Is your vision clear? Your purpose strong and focused? Life is better when the answer is yes. Or, at least it's a work in progress. It doesn't mean there are no more challenges or problems. It means you're better equipped to rise to and overcome them. Simply put, life works better.
I've dedicated my life's work to helping people learn and grow. To talent development and personal enrichment. "Your Meaningful Vision, Fulfilled." If you're ready for laser focus to LIVE & LEAD 'ON PURPOSE' and/or to fully EMPOWER SUCCESS, have a look at these two online programs. Click on the titles to learn more. I designed them specifically to challenge you with questions, empower you into action, and energize your best you.